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Are you charging ahead, standing still, or falling behind?

Do you ever get the impression you’re going 100 mph and getting nowhere?

Are you finding it hard to balance all of life’s challenges, responsibilities, & ambitions?

Perseverance is not enough

Albert Einstein once said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". In other words, perseverance without insight or reflection is a formula for frustration and failure, not for progress and success. Does Einstein’s perspective somewhat reflect certain aspects of your life? Have you been doing the same thing over and over again hoping for better results?

Ignorance is not bliss

Think about it. We all come into this world totally ignorant, adorable yes, but ignorant just the same. However, within a few short years most of us have already learned to speak, read, write, count, sing, dance, play, drive and so much more. Two elements make this possible; our innate ability as humans to learn and the knowledge we are exposed to.

Winging it is for the birds

While the speed at which we evolve during the first twenty years of our lives is absolutely astonishing, it decreases dramatically after we graduate from school and leave the nest. From that moment on, the great majority of us no longer seek knowledge in a structured fashion. Instead, we succumb to ‘winging it’ on our own and consequently witness our level of skills and abilities develop at a significantly slower pace—if at all!

Drowning in information, thirsting for knowledge

Granted, we’re busier than ever. Never in our history have we been exposed to so much information, invitations, notifications, promotions, devices, distractions and demands. Not surprisingly, most of us have come to spread ourselves too thin in trying to be all things to all people and get nowhere with most. We find ourselves joining the ranks of tens of millions of Jacks & Jills-of-all-trades while the world continues to crave masters of one!

No need to reinvent the wheel

Whatever is escaping you is most likely due to something you don’t know or aren’t doing. Yet for every ailment, obstacle and ambition imaginable someone has been there, done that and written about how you can too! So why waste precious time reinventing the wheel when the knowledge you need to become, achieve and obtain everything you desire is more accessible and readily available today than ever before? All you have to do is follow in the footsteps of those who have traveled the path you seek to tread.

A map is worthless if you don’t know how to use it

Ironically, the reason most people resort to winging it is once again a lack of know-how. They don’t know how to go about discovering, absorbing and applying the wisdom of others in a manner that effectively produces the results they seek. Most people’s strategy for growth consists of spur-of-the-moment Google search or skimming a book or magazine. And therein lies the problem; no structure or method for acquiring knowledge. They go about gaining wisdom in a sporadic, disorganized and inefficient manner. And much like how physical exercise every once in a while provides little or no benefit at all, so it is with haphazard exposure to knowledge. With one of the greatest consequences being that most will never experience the enormous benefits of attaining momentum.

There is a world of difference between the occasional read and focused, structured, consistent learning.

It is in fact, by far, the single biggest factor that separates the average from the extraordinary!

One guide you don’t want to live without

Now, thanks to the Academy of Knowledge & Application, you can learn the single most important, effective and powerful process to bringing about personal transformation and achieving anything you have ever wanted! It is called the PX30 Principle and it is the simplest, most potent, life-altering habit in the world!

Simply put, PX30 is a unique, step-by-step framework from which to Pursue eXcellence in the one aspect of your life you most desire to dramatically improve! It is founded on four pillars; focus, knowledge, application & metrics and structured in a manner to facilitate its integration in today’s hectic lifestyle.

The real irony about achieving success & happiness is that they’re really not that difficult to attain and probably not what you think they are. Where most people think it’s about possessions and prestige, you may come to find profound gratification in knowing, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that you can achieve virtually anything you truly desire by simply exposing yourself to knowledge—specific to your ambition—in a well-structured, empowering & disciplined manner.

The Promised Land

  • Want to land that dream job or bag that promotion?
  • Want to increase your self-esteem?
  • Want to take your golf buddies to the cleaners?
  • Want to double or triple your income?
  • Want to improve your level of energy and physical health?
  • Want to retire early?

Then you owe it to yourself to attend the Academy of Knowledge & Application without delay! Regardless of the magnitude of your ambition, challenge of your profession or height of your passion, the PX30 Principle is the only framework you need to achieve excellence in any area of your life, and by the same token, obtain everything you’ve ever wanted!

You CAN create a much more rewarding & exciting life for yourself! Millions do—why not you?!

Find out more about the PX30 Principle and the Echelon I Seminar here

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